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Family Communication Important
A family is the basic unit of society. Individuals grow and learn to be a part of a bigger system if they’re integrated well into their families. Despite the emphasis on individualism and personal freedom in the recent eras, no one can deny that family matters. It is important....
Arranged Marriage vs Love Marriage
Arranged marriage versus love marriage is a ubiquitous debate nowadays. Marriage is an important step for every individual that defines the rest of his or her life. Married people tend to enjoy a happier and long lasting life. While, every person wants to find the perfect match for themselves,...
How to impress a women
The 14 Golden Ways to Impress a Woman The biggest enigma for men from the beginning, are women. We understand our fellow female beings quite well in our daily lives. We depend on each other and work together to make the world a better place. However, the trouble starts when...
How Long Does It Take To Get Over A Breakup
Breakups suck. Big time. There is no doubt about it. The heartbreak feels like it will never end. You will be asking 'how long does it take to get over a breakup?' It doesn't matter if you were together for six months or six years, you can still suffer from...
respect your parents
God loves humans so much that He created parents for us and filled them with immense love to bring up their children with care and affection. And, out of this built-in love, almost all the parents struggle vigorously to fulfill their liabilities towards children. They never feel tired or...
Are you coursing through a happy life with your marriage partner and in the same time want to express feelings of love towards your stepkid? Or, do you want your stepkid to have rights equal to those of your biological kids? If yes, you are on the path to...
Stepchild Philosophies
Families form, break and re-form, partners find their new partners, but kids are the ones that have to suffer the worst through all this transition. The article in hand is a good pick regarding the life of a stepchild who is a subsequent product of a shattered family setup. What...
Best shoes for toddlers
Are you looking for the right pair of best shoes for toddlers to use this season? Well! you don’t have to worry about the feet of your little ones anymore. Because we’re going to provide you a handy guide using which you can easily find the best toddler shoes...