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Guides from general health to mental health issues, wellness advice, fitness tips and much more at SpoliaMag

If you have a pinched nerve in the hip or leg or both, this article is the right choice for you to read! What is a Nerve? The nerve is an aggregation of tissues in our body that transmits signals from one part of the body to the other. What Nerves Are...
Health care for startups
Everyone is not tailor-made for doing business. It needs courage, vision, and endurance to be a successful businessman. Entrepreneurs risk their time and money to reach a decent position on the market. They do both things: enjoy all the profits and bear all the losses. So, being an entrepreneur...
Raise your hand if you’re trying to overcome anxiety and stress through meditation but can’t seem to keep your eyes close for ten minutes without falling asleep. It is quite common to struggle with meditation as a beginner. Mostly, people tend to give up in the initial stages because...
depression kills
When man used to live in caves, the only stressor was the wildlife attack. Based on this stressor, his body adapted well in the form of strong limbs externally. Moreover, on the neurochemical levels, the adrenaline rush helped. These were the ways to destress then, but how to destress...
Happy for life
Is it possible to stay happy all the time? Well, yes, it is only possible if you are happy with your soul and situation. There are different versions of happiness, and everyone has a different mindset and a way how to stay happy. It varies from person to person...
Intermittent fasting and working out
Intermittent Fasting and working out is undoubtedly a powerful tactic to shed off the fat of your body. Before anything, it is important to understand what it is. Intermittent Fasting comprises different cycles of fasting and non-fasting. For instance, some people may have a schedule of eating for 6...
fitness for Life
Imagine a calm Saturday morning, slightly cool wind blowing and it makes a sizzling sound in your ear every time it crosses by. Its the best time of the week for getting advantage of benefits of yoga for men. Yes, you read it right, yoga isn’t only for females....
low crab pasta
Low carb pasta is the only way to satiate the taste buds without shunning out your healthier posture. It's a kind of win-win situation; you enjoy the heavenly delicacies while the body remains super fit to brace the daily challenges. Do carbs make such a huge difference? This blog would...