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Life Changing Books

Discover list of books that cover every aspect of life whether they are related to investing, finance related, self-improvement or about motivation.

books based on true stories
Some people read books to escape into the world of fantasy, but what if that world actually existed in reality? The experience can be both enlightening and terrifying. Accordingly, there’s a long list of authors who took inspiration from real life events and turned them into books. There are...
Best History Books
Human beings are plagued by curiosity. Where did we come from? What was in that vast expanse of time before our existence at this moment now? Is the history we know actually true? How much do we know about those times and how much is still hidden? Although we...
Real Estate Investing Books
Real estate investment is often seen as a dynamic workhorse to create wealth, which is indeed the case. This investment is the road to financial growth and it has an enduring track record of excellent performance that paves the way for quick economic returns and long-term capital gain potential....
best novels of the decade
Welcome, avid readers! The passing decade has been exciting, to say the least from the point of view of a bookworm like me. Like most years, we saw the best novels of the decade focusing on political, history and social changes but what was new were Hollywood adaptations of...
Best Personal Finance Books
Money is tricky to navigate, if not downright traumatic. Have you ever wondered, “How does money make me feel?” Does it make you happy and free? Or does simply thinking about it make you anxious and stressed out? Believe it or not, our mindset about money is one of...
