World Literature

Dive into the rich and diverse world of literature from across the globe. Discover timeless classics, contemporary masterpieces, and hidden gems from various cultures and countries

Every writer or author writes what he observes or feels about their surroundings, what is going around and how society reacts to all this. Various literary works tell a lot about the era they belong to. Both prose and verse reflect what their writers or poets have been a...
How To Write A Graphic Novel
Writing a graphic novel is easier than you think when you know what to do. After all, human beings have been telling stories through cave paintings since time immemorial. Graphic novels have existed in one form or another, inspiring us with hope during tragedies like Wars and economic depression. Now...
Many a student often has various confusions in their minds about literature, literature search, literature review, systematic literature review, etc. A layman, in particular, does not have even the foggiest idea about all this. This article has the sole purpose of clearing all the messy questions regarding these literary...
