The Perks of Doing A Diamond Push-Up? Here’s All You Need to Know!

Work your whole upper body with diamond push-ups! Let’s learn all about this exercise, its variations, and how to do a diamond push up easily.

How to do a Diamond Push up-SpoliaMag

Today, we are going to tell you about an amazing push up that can do wonders in building your body. Diamond push-up or diamond shape push-ups or triangle pushups are perfect for working specifically on your triceps. So, to help you in working on your upper body, especially your triceps, we’re going to tell you how to do a diamond push up as well as provide all related information about it.

Are you a gymaholic looking for ways to tone up your body using the best triceps exercises? Well, if you’re one of the fitness freaks who do regular push ups and indulge in classic exercises to attain the gym perfect body, this blog is for you!

So, what are you waiting for? Continue reading to know all about diamond push up!

What is a Diamond Push Up? Is it a Good Way to Exercise?

Diamond Pushup hand position

The diamond push up is a difficult version of a routine push up or you can simply say that they’re an advanced pushup. In diamond push up instead of keeping your arms wide apart at your shoulder’s width. You put your hands together in a diamond shape and perform push-ups at arm extension. Diamond push up is a popular military exercise, it is one of those tricep workouts that helps in developing chest and abdominal muscles.

The diamond push up are comparatively harder than regular tricep push ups or other cable tricep exercises. But because of the extraordinary results that diamond push-ups produce for building lean muscle, most people do them as part of their daily home workout routine.

Therefore, if you want to work on your chest muscles, pectoralis minor and triceps then these tricep push-ups are perfect for you. Incorporating diamond push up as a part of your bodyweight exercise is an excellent way for building your upper body as well as to get rid of lower belly fat.

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How To Do a Diamond Push Up: An Exhaustive Step-by-Step Guide!

How to do adiamond push up- Hand position-SpoliaMag

If you’re wondering how to do a diamond push up properly, don’t worry we’ve got you covered. In this section, we will be teaching you step-by-step procedures regarding hand positions and muscle forms using which you’ll be able to do this workout like a pro. Read on to know how to do a diamond push up easily on your own.

  • To start, get on your all fours and make yourself stable.
  • Keep your hands close to your body as this will help you in maintaining tension.
  • Now start by slowly adjusting yourself to the normal pushup position. Once you’re all set to dive right in, move your arms from their original position in front of your chest.
  • Now make a diamond-esque shape with your hands and do the push-ups like you usually do.
  • Remember, that when you should pause at the bottom and top of your rep.

How To Do a Diamond Push Up Easily

If the classic procedure is difficult for you then you can make use of this easier variant of how to do a diamond push-up easily.

For being able to perform these push-ups every day, you can make use of this easier version till you master it.

  • To begin simply keep your knees on the floor and maintain a straight line from your knees up to your hips, head and shoulders.
  • Now bend at your elbows to get lower just like the original version.
  • After getting into posture start your push-ups in an easier way. And if making a diamond shape is tough for you, you can make a triangle instead.

This exercise form is quite easier to perform and you can easily make it a part of your everyday easy exercises.

Different Diamond Push Up Variations that You can Use

Diamond push up

Although these are more difficult than regular push-ups. Still, if you want to spice it up a bit more to challenge your limits, here are some harder and more challenging versions for you. But try these versions once you have completely mastered doing these tricep push ups.

By keeping your knees off the ground. On this note, let’s take a look at how to do a diamond push up in difficult positions.

1. Spiderman Push Ups:

The spiderman push-ups are a fantastic exercise to take your everyday workout to a harder level. These push-ups are always a great home workout routine addition that will make your exercises a bit more challenging. These push ups not only help to strengthen your upper body muscles but also improve core strength and stability by activating the core body muscles. Below are steps on how to do spiderman push ups:

  • Widen up your arms than the shoulders but keep them under the shoulders and strengthen your body from head to foot in plank position.
  • Start bending your elbow at an angle of 45 backward from the body as you lowering your chest towards the floor.
  • Draw your right leg up and out towards the elbow while your chest hovers from the floor.
  • Reverse this process and repeat it to opposite side.

2. Dive Bomber Push-ups

Just like the Spiderman push-ups, you can also use bomber pushups as a tougher form of tricep exercise. These healthy exercises will surely help you in maintaining a perfectly toned-up body.

  • Start off by getting on your all fours, widen your feet apart but put your arms in front of your chest and make a diamond shape with your hands.
  • Now lift your hips in the upward direction and transform your body into a V shape. Try to keep your body straight.
  • Now, bend your elbows and lower your head and dive in towards the ground. Keep your head and shoulders forward while you’re going down in a lower plank position.
  • Now, by moving your head and shoulders backward, push yourself upward to regain the V shape again.

3. Push Up & Clap

This version of diamond up is really difficult. So, if you want to know how to do a diamond pushup while clapping, follow these steps.

  • Simply get yourself in the regular push-up doing posture.
  • Now put your hands in front of your chest and make a diamond shape with your hands.
  • Now, dive in towards the ground to do your pushups.
  • When you’ve to go up push your body harder so you’re in a jumping position and clap your hands.
  • Now dive back in with the same posture.

These are some of the diamond push up variants that you can try for pumping up your everyday routine.

How often you should do diamond push-up?

Like every other compound exercise, you can make diamond push-ups a part of your everyday workout routine if you know how to do the exercise well. However, the amount of these workout you should do and how often you need to do them depends on your fitness goals. For instance, if your aim is to build up muscle mass then incorporating it as part of your weight training routine is good. You can add 3 to 4 sets of 15-20 reps each in your routine.

5 Common Mistakes To Avoid During Diamond Push Ups

Diamond push-ups demand intense focus and proper execution. If you fail to maintain the right body postures during this strength training, the outcomes could be dangerous for your health and fitness. When you are all set to begin with the diamond push-ups, here are a few of the essential things to keep in mind:

  • Avoid shallow ranges of motion and dive deep into your push-ups. This workout demands the engagement of the full range of muscles. Ensure that you drop down your body close to the ground as much as conveniently possible.
  • Position your shoulders the right way, and do not let them creep up toward your ears. This little negligence can shift the workload away from your triceps and onto your shoulders and will compromise the overall outcomes of this technique.
  • Ensure your core muscles stay engaged by aligning your hands directly under your chest. This will promote stability and prevent unnecessary strain on your shoulders.
  • Engage your core muscles and keep your back straight as you push back up into position.  Maintaining this proper form for diamond push-ups will greatly reduce the risk of injury.
  • Position your elbows close to your body, and do not let them stray outward. This little consideration will protect your joints from unnecessary stress.

Diamond push-ups are an intense strength training workout and need crucial attention. A little ignorance can result in severe injuries. Always watch out for these common mistakes and try to avoid them to make the most out of this workout.

Top 5 Benefits Diamond Pushups


In this section, we’ll discuss some benefits of diamond push ups that you can enjoy after doing them. Continue reading to find out all the diamond push up benefits that you can get after making it a regular part of your workout regime.

1. Activates Triceps

The triangle push-ups are one of those few good exercises that work exceptionally well on your upper body especially your triceps. Because of the narrower position of your arms during this push-up, the triceps receive more load and get activated. Various scientific studies have shown that these exercises are great for activating your triceps as well as pectoral muscles.

2. A Great Workout for Your Chest

This type of push ups not only helps in developing your chest muscles rather they also activate them. These push-ups work on your pec minor and major muscles which activates your chest muscles.

3. Helps in Getting Ready for One Arm Push-Ups

Being able to perform one-hand push-ups is something that every fitness freak strives for. The right way of progressing towards the ultimate badass one-arm push-ups is by gradually increasing your hardness levels. Once you get used to doing it, you’ll ultimately be prepared to try one-arm push-ups.

4. Improves Balance

During these push-ups, you place your arms much closer to the chest where the base is quite small. When you learn to balance yourself in such a posture, you improve your overall body balance.

5. Makes Your Shoulder Stronger

Diamond push-ups also work on your shoulder. They are particularly beneficial for strengthening your anterior deltoid. Likewise, it puts extensive stress on your shoulder blades which helps in making your shoulders stronger.

These are some benefits of doing diamond push-ups. However, you can increase the impact of these push-ups by making them a part of your fasted cardio routine.

Final Words

We hope that using this information you’ll be able to perform diamond push up easily. All in all, it is a great and effective way of strengthening the muscles of your upper body. We hope that the step-by-step guide of how to do a diamond push up that we have described will prove to be helpful for you.

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Talha is a well-versed writer and an automotive aficionado. He has a passion for anthropology and you can find him traveling far and wide observing life as it happens.


  1. Great article!
    I found the information on Diamond Push Ups and their variations really helpful. I’ve been looking for effective ways to strengthen my upper body, and this seems like a fantastic exercise to add to my routine. I appreciate the detailed instructions and the insights into the benefits. Can’t wait to give it a try and see the results. Keep up the excellent work!

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