Everyone has got their own love language to interpret and express love in a mutual relationship. Most prevailingly, there are five love languages, namely, acts of service, exchange of gifts, words of affirmation, quality time, and physical touch. However, the physical touch love language is the most misinterpreted and neglected of human senses.
What Really Is the Physical Touch Love Language?

Hands-on intimacy with your significant other is the core thing to having physical touch as your love language. Actually, giving and receiving affection from your partner through touch, physical proximity, and other forms of bodily connections is what physical touch love language is all about. It may include kissing, holding hands, hugging, cuddling, and sex. Having touch as a love language also means those small physical gestures such as being with a partner who snuggles up close to you while watching a movie together or having a partner put their arm around you in public, etc.
How Crucial Is It to Know Your Own Love Language and Your Partner’s, Too?

Love towards the opposite gender is one of the strongest natural passions regardless of race, color, or culture. It may be communicated in a number of ways. But, the way you show your love to your partner matters a lot to both of you.
A well-known pastor, counselor, and author of “The Five Love Languages“, Dr. Gary Chapman, has beautifully elaborated on the importance of love languages. He is of the view that a “love bond” gets strengthened when individuals in relationships learn to communicate in their partner’s love language. In this way, they are better able to keep each other’s “love tank” full of fuel.
So, the luckiest among you are those who know the way their partner needs to give and receive love. It saves tons of miscommunication and makes both partners feel loved and relaxed. Otherwise, despite having sheer love, partners are often found complaining about the quality of love they are receiving from their counterparts.
As a result, they often end up feeling neglected and unloved. The reason behind this is the lack of awareness of the love language their mate is longing for. Hence, understanding the love language of your partner is always handy.
Why Love Language Physical Touch Is Important in a Couple’s Life?

Admittedly, physical touch as a love language is the most influencing, thrilling, and sensory. It is also very enjoyable because that skin-to-skin contact stimulates the release of specific hormones meant for pleasure and bonding. These ‘feel-good hormones’ include serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin.
Love language and physical touch work well, especially for those who never get satisfied through the verbal expression of love alone. Suppose you have physical touch as your love language, and your partner showers it upon you frequently, it will matter a lot more to you than hearing ” I love you” or receiving gifts. However, it is hard to know if your partner’s love language is physical touch if it is not also your own.
Both the giver and the receiver enjoy the benefits of physical touch alike, as it is impossible to touch anyone without also being touched simultaneously. If you give a ‘free hug’ to your dear one in public, you are sure to have your hug returned then and there.
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In order to communicate their sentiments, lovers, and partners can use the love language of physical touch just like they use speech and gestures. Moreover, the physical touch of love language is a two-way street. You can judge from a person’s reaction to your touch a lot more than what you can from their words. So, you can use this love language physical touch to convince and motivate others around your viewpoint.
Some Basic Facts about Physical Touch Love Language with Examples

Always remember that this is a nonverbal love language often used to tell your partner that you are cherished. Some mistakenly think that it is simply about satisfying sensual needs. Instead, it is more about feeling seen and safe than about sex. Your expressions of physical touch and love language do not necessarily lead to intimacy, though they can if both of you want them to. Besides, partners of people who communicate their love in terms of physical touch should never assume to be at liberty to touch their partner at any time in any place.
Expressing your love through the love language of physical touch is largely about timing. If delivered at the right moment by the one who values this dialect of desire, even the humblest of gestures can speak volumes. For example, you will find it incredibly loving if you just place your palm on your partner’s wrist, plant a small kiss on their forehead, stroke their face gently with your fingertips, etc.
Physical Touch as A Love Language Vs Sex
Simply speaking, both terms are quite different though often confused with each other. Being gifted with the physical touch as your love language never means that you are all about sex. You may or may not end up doing sex with your partner. Likewise, if you enjoy doing sex frequently and want to have it evermore, it never proves that your love language is physical touch.
“When you hear that someone’s love language is physical touch, it can be easy to assume that this means sexual touching, but that is not necessarily the case”, psychotherapist Rhonda Richards-Smith, LCSW, tells. “If you find your partner’s touch to be soothing, relaxing, and giving you that extra boost that you need, chances are physical touch is one of your love languages.”
“Physical touch can include sex, but it does not have to,” explains licensed marriage and family therapist Kiaundra Jackson, LMFT, of KW Couples Therapy. “If you want more sex, just say it! If you want other things and not just sex, say that too!.”
Some Great Benefits of Executing Physical Touch Love Language

- Research shows that touching your partner physically helps both of you lighten up your loneliness, feelings of neglect, and improves your heart beat.
- A study shows that holding hands mutually reduces stress during some tense activity and saves you from many health risks.
- There is a clear evidence that women who hold their partner’s hands felt an appreciable reduction in their pain during childbirth or other painful experiences.
- Your specialized nerve fibres get stimulated whenever they pick up touch signals and calm down your feelings of utter rejection.
- Prolonged touch deprivation can cause anxiety and stress.
How You Can Say That You Like Physical Touch As Your Love Language

Determining whether or not your love language is physical touch is as important as taking meals to remain alive. This is because a couplet relation largely centers around the mutual physical touch. Following are the signs that show if you like to express and receive love in terms of physical touch.
- You tend to be always in a ‘touchy feely’ relationship. Certain romantic things such as cuddling, sitting on each other’s laps, hugging, kissing and other things like that appeal you a lot.
- You always feel loved while receiving spontaneous or random kisses on different facial or body parts.
- It always makes you glad when you find that a new partner wants to cuddle with you.
- While in a loving relationship, your favorite little things are holding hands and resting your head on each other’s shoulders and something like that.
- No less important are the gifts and words of affirmation, but you always feel special when your partner looks deep into your eyes and holds you in their arms.
A Few More Impressive Signs to Show Your Love Language Is Physical Touch

- Public displays of affection always appeal to you and you often want to be underway.
- You always like sort of mindlessly touching your partner whenever they are around. It may include placing a hand on their arm or knee, gently touching their cheeks or rubbing the back of their neck, running your fingers through their hair, etc.
- You think it quite weird if you are sitting on a couch with your partner and there is no touching in some way.
- It makes you feel loved if you find your partner initiating sex or wanting it from you.
- You always feel much thrilled and exalted when your partner holds your hand or puts an arm around you in public.
- If your partner does not touch you in a group setting, you notice it seriously and get hurt at this sort of thing.
- It always appeals to you and seems super romantic if there are chances to receive a massage or foot rub from your partner.
- You get instantly calmed or relaxed if your love partner embraces you or rubs your shoulder whenever you are down with stress or fever.
- You feel really taken care of if you receive a long, warm hug from your partner.
- Someone never has to say to you ” I love you”, it is just the way they hold or kiss you that assures you of their love.
What to Do If Physical Touch Is Your Partner’s Love Language?

How the love language of physical touch speaks is not known to everyone, but all can acquire the skill that makes one fluent at it. Following are the useful tips that will help you respond to your touch-loving partner’s needs by communicating through physical touch.
- Share kisses with them quite often.
- Develop the habit to kiss them hello and goodbye.
- Use both of your arms and the whole of your body whenever you hug them. Also try to linger for some extra moments in your embrace.
- Even when they do not ask for it, give them a little back rub or back scratch.
- When you are out and about together, never forget to hold their hands.
- Public displays of affection must be on your top priority.
- While sitting together, it should be usual with you to rest your hand on their hand, arm , or leg. Moreover, try to put your arm round their shoulder.
- When listening to them talking seriously, hold their hand in affection or softly rub their arm to make them feel that you are at all ears.
- Sometimes, you may happen to be rushing off somewhere, remember to give a quick peck on their cheek as you pass them.
- While in group settings, do make a point of maintaining physical contact with them.
More Ideas about How to Love Someone Whose Love Language is Physical Touch

- Always keep in mind their sexual desires and try your best to prioritize them.
- Be mentally prepared to be the first initiate sex every now and then.
- Make a point to remind your partner that they are sexually desirable and wanted, no matter even if you are not in that mood.
- In case they are stressed out, rub their shoulders.
- Ensure to be the closest to them while settling in to watch a movie.
- If you are lucky to have their head on your shoulder, lean yours on theirs as well.
- Always make sure to cuddle in bed together.
- If there happens to be a long day, offer them a good massage in the end.
- Manage to come up from behind and wrap your arms round them while they are busy doing something and are unaware of your arrival.
- Often try to kiss them on the places other than their lips such as cheeks, forehead, collarbones, back of their hands, etc.
- Comb or brush their dishevelled hair out of their face and push a strand behind their ear if you find one.
- Try your best to spend the maximum of your time lying in bed together when you wake up or at night before you fall asleep.
- While lying or sitting together, keep running your fingers through their hair.
- Never hesitate to take a shower with them and help soap them up or wash their hair.
- Use your finger tips to lightly trace their facial features.
- When not together physically, you must text them telling that you cannot wait for long and requesting them to come at the earliest possible.
- Find a way to express your love through touch whenever possible.
Physical Touch Love Language: One of the Most Critical Aspects of Your Married Life

If your love language is not physical touch, you may misinterpret it when your excited partner tries to get close to you to have some cuddling. You may possibly get annoyed and sabotage your relationship. But remember, going physical does not always mean ending up doing sex. It often goes beyond making love. Better take the physical touch challenge and paint your love life with fabulous colors.
If, however, physical touch is the love language you speak, you will get immense satisfaction whenever and as much your partner or spouse touches you physically. You will feel that the best way to fill up your love tank is to be physically connected with your significant other. The same goes with your partner if their love language is also physical touch. They love to touch and be touched quite often. So, it is obligatory for you to understand and respect your partner’s physical needs. It will transform your attitude from one of depression to one of acceptance and your marriage bond will become most strengthened.
In your routine married life, you may sneak in certain physical touches as highly affectionate actions on the back of something else. Just as is the case in all other good habits, Physical touch is a great way to start with. This is because the main point you must remember is the usual behavior which serves as a cue. And then you tend to add some touch to that. Keep in mind that physical touch is always an important aspect of any marital relationship. You must develop it gradually but constantly, as it always proves hard to do it instinctively.
Physical Touch Love Language Ideas for Him/Her

Here are a few useful ideas for you to show your partner how beautiful the language of physical touch speaks.
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- Try to wake up a few minutes earlier than usual, roll yourself over your partner and lie your head on their chest.
- While in the shower, wash their back for them even without informing them.
- Whenever you hug, squeeze their butt.
- As you walk past, give them a light touch.
- Always hold their hand whenever you both are walking.
- On everything great, try to high five or first pump.
- While sitting or lying together, always cuddle up.
- If you happen to watch some movies or play, have them lie with their head in your lap.
- Try to scratch their back gently.
- While in public, manage to sit close enough so that your thighs may touch.
- Try to dance at a slow rhythm to their favorite slow song.
- Ask them to lie on the couch and give them a foot massage at their ease.
- Whenever possible, play twister.
- Straddle them when they are sitting and kiss them for at least 10 seconds.
- Lie spooning each other before going to sleep.
- Give them a back massage if they find a long hard day.
- Tease them with your touch by rubbing your hands up and down their tights.
- Sit on top of them and move your body over theirs.
- Make love with all your passions on.
- Have sexual activity at least once a week and satisfy with your love life.
What to Do about Physical Touch If You are in A Long-Distance Relationship

Sometimes, it does happen that communicating through physical touch is not always there as an option. Partners may remain away from each other for months on end. This may be on account of business trips, military deployments, long-term work assignments, etc. Hence, relationships from long distances pose a challenge for those who speak the love language of physical touch. However, you need not worry if this is the case with you. Here are a few tactics for you to overcome being apart for a certain period.
Video chat
Courtesy of modern technology, it has become possible to have face-to-face communication across vast distances even over the continents. Though not a substitute for actual physical affection, video chat imparts huge consolation to the partners.
Personal Items
While being away for thousands of miles, Partners can enjoy each other’s scent. They can do so by sharing a gently used pillowcase or slept-in T-shirt.
Synchronized Experiences
Far-off partners may stream the same movies, shows, or music to feel more together. Afterward, they may discuss their individual thoughts about what they have just seen.
Play Games
It has become wonderfully possible to play countless games with your partner through smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. To add more, some even allow you to talk with each other online.
Get Creative
It has become possible for artistic partners to paint on a blank canvas simultaneously by a web-based tool called Aggie. It gives them the sublime feeling to be even closer.
What Is Final?
You really need physical touch love language to have a solid romantic relationship. No matter if both of you do not know each other’s love language. You can still learn how to fill your love tanks mutually. You only need to let your partner know what makes you feel loved. Also, you must make your best efforts to fill them with what they crave.