Sit-Ups For A Flat Tummy – A Complete Guide (with all variations, procedures, and benefits)

Sit-up Variations

Are you tired of wearing flared tops to hide your belly fat? Don’t worry because Sit-ups are here to save the day! They strengthen the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques, hip flexors, chest, and neck.

If you think crunches are the most effective ab workout, think again! Crunches work your ab muscles but not your core muscles, so you don’t burn enough calories to get flat abs.

After this series of 5 core exercises, you’ll notice your ab muscles tightening, and your stomach stays pulled in over time. This keeps your abs looking flatter and more defined.

So grab your exercise mat and get ready to burn those stubborn calories. Read on to find the 5 best sit-up variations you can do in just 7 minutes. Don’t believe me? Try them for yourself.

Basic Sit-Up Steps

Now, let’s look at how to do sit-ups correctly to reduce the risk of injury.

  • Lie down on your back, keeping your legs hip-width apart. Try to reduce the curve in your back as much as possible.
  • Then, kneel and place your feet flat on the floor. You can also ask your partner to put some weight on them so they stay balanced when you sit up.
  • You can comfortably keep your hands on either side of your thighs or the back of your head.
  • Activate your core. Inhale while keeping your neck aligned with your spine and looking diagonally up at the ceiling.
  • Raise your body off the ground by bending your hips and waist. Try to keep tension on your core muscles.
  • Inhale and slowly return to the starting position. Check that your lower back is flat against the mat.
  • Repeat

5 Best Types of Sit-Up Exercises for a Flat Tummy

The variations of sit-ups listed below can help you get a slimmer waist, a stronger core, and better muscle endurance. Scroll down.

1. V-Ups


V-Sits are a great way to target the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, obliques, and hip flexors. As these muscle groups comprise the core region, the V-sit does an excellent job of simultaneously challenging multiple parts of the core.


  • Lie down on the mat with your legs lengthened in front of your hips and arms stretched behind your shoulders.
  • Contract your core, then lift your arms, head, neck, and shoulder off the ground while lifting your legs to form a 45-degree angle with the ground.
  • Ensure that your arms are parallel to the ground.
  • Your body should be balanced on your buttocks and tailbone. Maintain a “V” shape with your upper and lower bodies.
  • Stay in this position for 5 seconds.
  • Inhale as you go down. Once you’ve found your form, you can speed it up.
  • You can repeat these 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

2. Butterfly Sit-Ups

Butterfly Sit-Ups

Butterfly sit-ups are excellent core abdominal exercises. They work on the Lower abdominals, upper abdominals, rectus muscle, and adductors (inner thigh muscles). What are these muscles? They help support and stabilize your back.


  • Sit with your thighs apart and your knees flexed. Try recreating the Reclining Goddess Pose.
  • Place the sole of your left foot against the sole of your right foot and lie on your back. Look up at the ceiling with your hands extended above your head.
  • Exhale, and slowly pull your upper body into a sitting position.
  • Simultaneously swing your hands from above the head to beyond your toes.
  • Inhale and reverse the movement. Try to balance your motion as you return to the starting position.
  • Perform 3 sets of 8 reps.

3. Weighted Sit-Up

Weighted Sit-Up

Grab your dumbbell, weighted plate, or sandbag; it’s time to do some weighted sit-ups!

Weighted sit-ups target the same muscle groups as regular sit-ups. However, the additional resistance provided by the weight raises the intensity of the workout, leading to stronger muscles.


  • You can use a weighted plate, dumbbell, or even a sandbag.
  • Place your feet on a mat. Maintain a hip-width distance between your legs, a straight spine, and relaxed shoulders.
  • Use both hands to hold the weight against your chest. Ensure that your feet are at a 90-degree angle.
  • Ensure your elbows are slightly bent and your hands are directly above your head.
  • Slowly contract your core and raise your upper body towards your knees while lifting the weight until your forearms touch your thighs.
  • Your hips and feet should stay on the ground. Maintain a straight back and look diagonally at the ceiling.
  • Inhale and slowly return to the starting pose.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

4. Banana Twists

Banana Twists

Hands up if banana twists is your go-to dessert. Well, now it’s time to burn those extra calories. In addition to working the oblique and core muscles, this exercise puts a lot of strain on the lower back and butt muscles.


  • Lie down on the mat with your hands extended overhead and legs together.
  • Slightly raise your back and legs above the ground. This way, you should form a V/U with your midsection.
  • Press in your glutes and engage your core muscles.
  • Slowly rise in a sitting position, and balance on your butt with your legs and upper body crunched up and closer together.
  • Twist your waist as you dip your hands from side to side. Exhale.
  • Gradually return to the starting position. Inhale.
  • Do 15 to 20 reps.

5. Straight Legged Sit-up

Straight Legged Sit-up

If you’re a beginner, this one’s for you! Straight-leg sit-ups can help to strengthen the abs and hip flexors. Beginners prefer the straight-leg version because they can get the full range of motion.


  • Lie down on the ground. Look up at the ceiling while keeping your legs hip-width apart and your hands above your head. This is your starting point.
  • Pull your upper body up into a sitting position as you exhale. Maintain your hands above your head.
  • Roll back down on the mat and exhale.
  • You’ll need 3 sets of 8 reps.

Benefits of Doing Sit-ups

Below are 3 reasons why Sit-Ups should become a part of your daily workout:

Core Strength

Say goodbye to back pain and injuries as sit-ups strengthen, tighten, and tone your core muscles. You’ll be able to move more freely as you go about your daily activities and participate in athletic activities.

Improved Posture

Building a strong, solid core makes it easier to keep your hips, spine, and shoulders aligned, which aids in posture improvement. Less pain and tension, more energy, and better breathing are all advantages of good posture.

Athletic Performance

Do you want to up your muscular game? A strong core allows you to maintain proper posture, stability, and form while participating in any sport or physical activity. What’s more? You’ll also be less likely to become tired.

Bottom Line:

Sit-ups are simple and satisfying to perform. They are excellent for burning calories and dealing with stubborn abdominal fat. What’s more? You can do them in the comfort of your home.

For the best results, start with less intensive variations and gradually increase the number of reps. Check that you are performing the exercise correctly, as improper form can result in injuries or muscle pains. Happy exercising!

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Alisha Shabbir is a Student, Content Writer and hopefully, a Future Bestselling Author, whose sole passion is to create content that's not only Aesthetically Pleasing but also Progressively Life Changing. Currently, she has all her resources focused on producing content that improves the quality of life. She writes on a broad range of topics which cover different aspects of life and tackle various issues When she's not working, you can find her buried in Books, lost in Music or Procrastinating on her assignments.